Jan Carius | Mechanical Engineering Portfolio

Rolling Robots
Studies on Mechatronics
Autonomous Systems Lab
ETH Zurich, 2013
Research project: Analysis and design of round rolling robots.
This work is a literature research project on rolling robots. I identify three main principles that can be used to achieve motion with rolling robots: 1. Using the large angular momentum of gyroscopes for stabilization and torque amplication, 2. manipulating the internal angular momentum by means of reaction wheels and 3. taking advantage of a gravitational induced torque when the center of gravity lies outside the contact point.
Through modeling and simulation, I show that a gyroscope is capable of producing the largest torques, however a center of mass shift is superior when it comes to supplying a constant torque over a longer period of time. Reaction wheels are suitable for storing and releasing momentum.
This project allowed me to gain experience in modeling and simulation of dynamic systems. I also gained a good overview over the field or round rolling robots, typical soluions and shortcomings.
This knowledge layed the groundwork for my bachelor's thesis by providing the first sketches of a new combined design of the above propulsion principles.